Here are just a few Hards tunes...

Emotions (3MB) · Tubetop (3MB) · Simple Times (2MB) · Hey Baby (2MB) · Sole (2.8 MB) · 1979 (750k)

is the heart and soul of the Hards. He can make good noise with his piano and vocals, but it is his machine-gun drumming that provides the soothing heartbeat (or Hardbeat). His smooth piano work on sets the mood for some cool tunes. Beware of his dangerous two finger chords on guitar. This Pappa Bear loves to work on the farm in his size XXXXXL overalls... Wow! so much denim...

is the backbone, nuts and bolts that holds the Hards together. This crazy engineer keeps all the Hardsmobiles running smooth. Despite wrist surgery, he can still lay down a spooky bass groove that moves all the booty. His name comes from a 12" scar he aquired when his new bionic wrist was installed.

Vinna nana ney is the pawn shop guitar slinger. Riffin' and a rockin all day and all night as long as there is a six pack (of Coca-Cola Classic) chillin' in an old paint bucket packed with ice nearby. He also plays some bass and the neighbors really enjoy his trash-can-drummin He also keeps the Hards wired.

Drop us a note at The Hards !!

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